HillVets 100 Tribute Gala

The Boulder Crest Institute for Posttraumatic Growth won the non-profit of the year award at the 5th Annual HillVets 100 Tribute Gala, March 28, 2019, at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington D.C.

Opened in 2018, the Boulder Crest Institute has four areas of operation – training, technology, research and evaluation, and social and policy change. In addition to supporting Boulder Crest Retreat Arizona and Virginia, the Institute is tasked with scaling our breakthrough Warrior PATHH programs across the nation, and working to transform our nation’s approach to mental health. The Institute Team – Josh Goldberg, Greg Morin, Anna Kavanaugh, Dr. Richard Tedeschi, and Dr. Bret Moore – have accomplished a great deal in a short period of time, and we are proud of their great work.

The HillVets 100 Gala is an event for the veteran and military community that highlights the most influential and impactful veterans, service-members, and supporters from 2018. The HillVets 100 includes veterans of all eras, from the Vietnam War to the more recent Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. More than 500 attendees at the event had to vote and we won!

Thank you to our supporters. We couldn’t do what we do without you!

And to our Team at Boulder Crest, you are the best!

Ken Falke