Our Mission
Veterans Strengthening America
The American Legion is built on a promise from men and women who swore with their lives to defend and protect the United States through military service. The promise begins at enlistment, grows through training and discipline in the U.S. Armed Forces and continues after discharge, as veterans in service to community, state and nation.
Our Mission is to enhance the well-being of America’s veterans, their families, our military, and our communities by our devotion to mutual helpfulness. The American Legion’s vision statement is “The American Legion: Veterans Strengthening America.” The American Legion’s value principles are as follows:
Today, over 12,000 Legion posts represent 2.4 million members in the U.S. & worldwide. For nearly 100 years, the Legion has influenced social change in America, secured hundreds of benefits for veterans and produced many important programs for America’s youth.
Members Worldwide