Post 2001 – Veterans’ Day

Message from the Post Commander:


This Friday, Veterans’ Day, is a time to celebrate our current active duty and veteran comrades, and remember and honor those who are no longer with us including our POWs and MIAs yet unaccounted for.

Many activities are planned for the 11th and the remainder of the Veterans’ Day weekend. One special event to which our Post members have been invited is the Hillside Elementary School choir concert for Veterans, Thursday, 10 November at 18:30 and Friday, 11 November, at 0900. This is the third year Mrs. Jessica Blood will be directing this outstanding program. I encourage you to make a special effort to attend at least one of them, and proudly wear your cover and/or a Legion shirt, if you have one.

If you know of others, please share the information with Adjutant Norm Larson as soon as you can.

Other activities, events and discount/free meals are being staged in honor of our veterans. Check out these links:

A message from STONE BRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL 0850

In honor of Veterans Day, veterans are invited to join us for breakfast or lunch at Stone Bridge High School on Friday, November 11.

– Coffee and Donuts 8:00-8:45 a.m. in the Career Center.
– Lunch with a student in the cafeteria. Participants will receive a complementary voucher for a school lunch from our cafeteria. Please make arrangements to meet your host student in the main office at the start of their lunch period.

Please RSVP to

I wish you each a very enjoyable Veterans’ Day, a day in which you can reflect on and take pride in your service to this great country, remember those who are no longer with us, and reiterate your support of our current brothers and sisters in arms!

And I hope to see you at our November 10th meeting at 19:30 as well!

For God and Country,

Chuck Loomis
American Legion
Leonard W. Kidd Memorial Post 2001
Ashburn, VA

Agenda and announcements about the 10 Nov Post meeting


The agenda for the November meeting is attached; 2nd Vice-Commander Joe Scalione will chair.

Bob O’Such and I (and probably several more Post members) will be representing the Post at the annual Hillside Elementary School Veterans’ Day concert that starts at 1830. All Post members are, of course, invited to the concert at 43000 Ellzey Drive, Ashburn, VA 20148, where the youngsters, led by music director Mrs. Jessica Blood, present a spirited and enjoyable medley of patriotic songs in honor of Veterans in the community — particularly their parents, grandparents and family members. Post 2001 has been a special invitee of theirs since they began the program a two years ago. Following the concert (normally lasts a little over an hour), Bob and I plan to come to the Post meeting.

Election Day is nearly here. As Norm Larson, our Adjutant, has reminded us all, please exercise your right — gained for us and sustained by so many of our fallen comrades — to vote on 8 November. I ask you also to please carefully read the following that was forwarded from District 16 Commander:

“Just a reminder, The American Legion is a nonpartisan organization and does not show preference for or against any particular candidate or political party. For this reason, if members of your post are volunteering at a polling station, they are serving as private citizens and should not be wearing their American Legion caps. If they are driving people to the polls or working at the post, they are encouraged to wear their caps so the community will know The American Legion is involved in the voting process. However, to remain nonpartisan, Legionnaires should not wear campaign buttons or make their personal views about candidates,parties and issues known in any way while they are engaged in nonpartisan activities for their post. Campaign materials or literature should be removed from areas where nonpartisan activities are taking place. More information about Get Out The Vote can be found at”

Hope to see you at the concert and at the Post meeting on 10 November.

For God and Country,


Chuck Loomis
American Legion
Leonard W. Kidd Memorial Post 2001
Ashburn, VA