American Rescue Plan 2021: Post 2001 Award

Loudoun County recently distributed nearly $2.5 million to 36 local nonprofits and faith-based organizations that are intervening to avoid the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The allocation is part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 funding: H.R.1319 – 117th Congress (2021-2022): American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 | | Library of Congress

Leonard W. Kidd Memorial received its’ approved monies to continue utility, rental, and housing assistance.


The Leonard W. Kidd Legacy

Today, we reflect on the significance of Leonard W. Kidd and American Legion Post 2001. On July 27, 1970, SP5 Kidd,  was mortally wounded in the Quang Tin province of Vietnam. He was a heavy construction equipment Operator, on a 90-day extended tour overseas. Only one picture of him is included on the Vietnam Memorial (HONORED ON PANEL 8W, LINE 59). If anybody in our post has a story to share about him, we encourage you to leave a remembrance on the Vietnam Memorial website:

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (

At Post 2001, we created a charitable foundation in Leonard’s name to help fellow military veterans in SP5 Kidd’s home area of Loudoun County. Please visit our ‘Donate‘ page to learn more. To further honor his memory, we have pulled together a glimpse of SP5’s Leonard W. Kidd’s probably environment and surroundings during the Vietnam war. These would be closest resemblance to, or exact representation of Landing Zone Highboy, from 1969.


For a historical list of other equipment the United States utilized during Vietnam, please read the following article:

Weapons and Equipment | Vietnam War | Pritzker Military Museum & Library | Chicago