Post 2001 – Thanksgiving Message

My Fellow Legionnaires:

Despite the greatly varying differences of opinion and unrest in our Country that the news portrays, most Americans fully appreciate the gift of Liberty with which we have been blessed.

That “gift” was earned by dedicated patriots and heroes who fought for it and sacrificed for it, and continue to do so today, so that we may still enjoy it. That alone is enough reason to give thanks to our Creator.

As you join with families and friends on Thanksgiving, please remember those Comrades who are posted around the world on active duty, those still suffering the ravages of both visible and hidden wounds, others who have lost loved ones, or have gone on to Post Eternal.

Give thanks that they were/are part of, and enabled us to have, so much that we have today.

Best wishes to you and your families for a meaningful and gratifying Thanksgiving.

For God and Country,


Chuck Loomis
The American Legion
Leonard W. Kidd Memorial Post 2001
Ashburn, VA

Post 2001 – Save the Date: 28 October Loudoun Salute to Veterans

Fellow Legionnaires,

We need your help to get out the word for our 4th annual Loudoun County Salute to Military, Veterans, and Families.  The Salute, sponsored by the County and our Post, provides a venue where active duty and retired veterans and their families can meet with Veteran support officers and organizations that can assist them with needed and appropriate resources. We want to make this year’s event bigger and better than last year’s.

To do that, we are asking you to print several copies of our “Save the Date” flyer (attached) and distribute them to individuals, organizations, or businesses to generate interest and awareness.  Also, visit our website and please make a donation to the Salute; if you are interested in being a sponsor of the Salute, please contact us.  All donations are tax deductible and directly support our programs and Veterans in need.

The Salute promotes the American Legion’s values of Americanism and Patriotism by incorporating distinguished guest speakers, choral and musical performances from Loudoun County Public School children’s groups, and essay readings from the winners of the essay and poster contests we sponsor.
To date, we have firm commitments from Mrs. Phyllis Randall, Chairman of the Board, Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, and as our keynote speaker, General Lester L. Lyles, United States Air Force (retired), former Air Force Vice Chief of Staff and current Chairman of the Board for USAA.

Because we have no permanent facility our Post is a bit unique, allowing us to put all of the money we bring in each year through various activities and donations to work to help veterans in need, and support our American Legion outreach efforts including Boys and Girls State, our premier programs to teach rising high school seniors how our government works while developing leadership skills and an appreciation for our rights as citizens; American Legion Baseball, which enjoys a reputation as one of the most successful and tradition-rich amateur athletic leagues in the United States and abroad; sponsoring the140 member-strong Cub Scout Pack 1500; and Boulder Crest Retreat, to name just a few.

Our goal this year is to expand our audience to at least 1,000 people.  We plan to accomplish this is by incorporating all Loudoun County Public Schools into the essay and poster contests, as previously indicated, and expanding the musical entertainment to include a LCPS marching band and/or symphonic group performance.  But mostly we need to publicize this Salute through many channels, including you.
Thanks for your help, and save the date!

For God and Country,

Frank Mullen, Chairman
Loudoun Salute, 2017

Where:       Stone Bridge High School Auditorium
Address:    4300 Hay Road, Ashburn, VA
Date:          October 28, 2017
Time:         10:30 AM – doors open;
12:00 NOON – presentations begin;
4:00 PM – Salute ends.
Service Officers will be available throughout the day.