Special Message to A/L Post 2001 Members

Legionnaires of American Legion Post 2001,

Our Post has traditionally focused on programs and activities that support the Legion’s Four Pillars:
– Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation
– National Security
– Americanism, and
– Children and Youth

We are particularly proud that we have vigorous leadership for each of our programs and focus nearly 100% of our fiscal resources on tangible programs that support Veterans in need and programs that boost Patriotism – – to continue this legacy we need our newest members to “step up” into leadership roles within the Post

I ask that our newest members try to join us at our next meeting (7:30 PM, Thursday, 11 February 2016…Mills Recreation Center on corner of Gloucester Blvd. & Grottoes) to find activities that you would like to support and help direct. We are particularly interested in finding new leadership for our Post from among our newest members so we can sustain our important programs and continue to support VETERANS -IN-NEED!

Here are some areas in which we need immediate help:

– LOUDOUN SALUTE 2016 – Off to our fastest start yet, will take place on Saturday, 15 October at Stone Bridge HS in Ashburn – – we need help with fund raising, youth activities, Loudoun partner liaison, posters, handouts, media support, etc. Tobin Seven is the Program Director for this event and has initiated the major pieces early on so we have time to make this our best event ever….anticipate over 1,000 attendees and involvement by ~30 patriotic organizations and major speakers! (Check with Tobin to see if he needs to add anything).

– Youth Programs….We have a growing relationship with Boy Scouts, American Heritage Girls, Cub Scouts, Boys and Girls State, and other youth groups that can use additional help for occasional program development/fulfillment. This is a very rewarding activity that has restored our confidence in the youth of Loudoun County!

– Service Officer Support: We need to increase our group of Service Officers to help Vets and their families with VA Claims and support issues….we have led the District in the support provided but will be losing one of our best resources to a relocation…..Online course materials help to make the certification process easy, and the rewards of tangible direct help to our Vets/Families is fantastic!

– Social Chairman….Would like to have someone formalize two or three social events for our Post annually that will enhance our internal connection between members (and spouses/families!

– Media Relations/History: Need someone to help with occasional press releases and publicity for our events; and to document our activities for the Post’s annual history program.

Semper Fidelis, Charlie

Charles M. McKinney
CMDR, Leonard W. Kidd
Memorial Post 2001
The American Legion

Opportunity: Serve as a Boys State Counselor in June

Legionnaires of American Legion Post 2001,

An Opportunity! As we all love the Boys State & Girl State programs, please consider this opportunity.

As you know, Boys State is coming up this summer [mid to late June] once again, as always. The Department is in need of additional Counselors.

The quality of this program depends on having quality counselors.

Please see attached flyer or go directly to: vaboysstate.org, and follow the instructions on the website. If you decide to serve as a Boys State Counselor, please get your background checks completed ASAP.

Best wishes, Charlie

Charles M. McKinney, III
CMDR, Leonard W. Kidd
Memorial Post 2001
The American Legion

Boys and Girls State Volunteers