Tag Archive for: 2020 Marine Corps Birthday

Happy Birthday Marine Corps!

Today, the United States Marine Corps celebrates its 245th birthday.

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A special message from Marine Corps General David H. Berger;

“While this year’s many challenges are significant and unique, they are not unprecedented, and it is important to remember that our Nation and Corps have endured difficult times in our past,” Berger said in his message to the Corps.

In addition to marking the 245th birthday of the Marine Corps, 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of World War II battles like Iwo Jima and Okinawa, in Japan, the 70th anniversary of Inchon and the Chosin Reservoir during the Korean War, and the 55th anniversary of Marines arriving in Da Nang, Vietnam, Berger reminded the Corps. “From the past, we draw strength, pride, and a responsibility to carry on the warfighting heritage our predecessors built. We must also recognize our tradition of continuous adaptation–one that should inspire our current force modernization and innovation efforts,” Berger said.

Read the full message here.