Tag Archive for: Post 2001 Photo Competition

Memorial Day Photo Contest: AL Post 2001 Winners!

Today is a somber occasion, a reflection of all U.S. military men and women who sacrified their lives. As we enjoy the long weekend, we keep our military memories and legacies alive with the observance of Memorial Day activities; from designated Memorial site visits to virtual meetups and social media.

American Legion Post 2001 would like to thank all the Memorial Day photo competition participants. We received an interesting array of photographs, demonstrating what Memorial Day means to you. The selection of first, second and third place winners represent an appropriate sentiment with a unique angle (and camera skills!).

First place goes to Henry DeJong and his Normandy perspective!

Second place goes to Scott Yusman and his DC perspective!

Third place goes to Richard Thigpen and his Arlington Cemetary perspective!

Congratulations photographers and thank you for your unique expressions of Memorial Day.